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Wednesday, 03/26/25

Kentucky Voter Registration:

Tennessee Listeners (WWOG):  Click here to visit the Tennessee Division of Elections for information concerning voter registration in the state of Tennessee.
Kentucky Voter Registration:

If you are not registered to vote in Kentucky then we urge you to take a few minutes to complete the voter registration form and then deliver to your County Clerk so you can be a registered voter in Kentucky.  Once you become a registered voter then you will be eligible to vote based on the guidelines set for by the Kentucky State Board of Elections.  You can also download a Voter Information Guide or visit the official site of Kentucky Elections.

Q: Who can register to vote?
A: To register you must:

  • be a U.S. Citizen and a Kentucky resident for at least 28 days
  • be at least 18 years old by the date of the next general election (if you will be 18 by the November general election, you are eligible to vote in the prior May primary election)
  • not be a convicted felon or, if convicted of a felony offense, you must have had your civil rights restored. Contact your local parole office to obtain an application for restoration of civil rights
  • not have been judged "mentally incompetent" in a court of law
  • not claim the right to vote anywhere outside Kentucky


If you meet the above requirements then
please download a voter registration card
and follow the instructions below.

Please read the instructions below.
Or you can download the
Voter Registration Guide

Instructions for completing a voter registration card:

If the Voter Registration Card does not open in your browser, you will need to download and install the Adobe Reader in order to open and type in the document.  If you need assistance with this procedure call 606-679-6300. * King of Kings Radio nor Somerset Education is responsible for any file you may download from Adobe.

  • Complete the form (typing):  You are able to type in the card.  Move between fields by using your mouse or TAB key.  If you need assistance, please call 606-679-6300.
  • Complete the form (printing):  You can also just print the card and use a pen.  * Make sure you use black or blue ink.  NO PENCILS.  You can also print several cards and register your friends to vote.
  • Final Steps:  print it, sign it.
    NOTE: If your signature is marked with an "X", you MUST have two witnesses sign your voter registration card.
  • Mail to or hand deliver to your County Clerk.  Click here for a list of Kentucky County Court Clerks.

Regardless of the method used, please read the following Kentucky Secretary of State guidelines.

  1. Print the voter registration card. Complete the card with blue or black ink, NO PENCIL.
  2. Check Yes or No box to questions A and B. If you answer no in response to either question, do not complete the voter registration card.
  3. Check the appropriate box that applies to your request.
    Leave the sections blank under precinct code, precinct name, town and other code. These sections are to be completed by your county clerk.
  4. Please print your correct Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Work Phone, Home Phone, Gender, Last Name, First Name and Middle Name.
  5. Circle the correct suffix (if it applies to you).
  6. Please print the address where you live.
  7. Please print the address where you receive your mail, if it is different from the address above.
  8. Check one of the political parties. If you check other, please write the name of your chosen political party. If you choose other, you are eligible to vote only for nonpartisan offices in any primary election. You may, however, vote for any candidate in all general and special elections.
    You may change your political party affiliation at any time on or before December 31st to remain eligible to vote in the following primary election.
  9. Read the voter declaration, sign and date. If your signature is marked with an "X", you must have two witnesses sign your voter registration card.
  10. Please submit the completed voter registration card to your local county clerk.  See the info below.

    * Upon receipt of your voter registration card, your county clerk will send you an acknowledgement card verifying your registration or informing you of a problem with your registration. This card will provide you with the information concerning your precinct location on election day.


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King of Kings
Radio Network

P.O. Box 1423
Somerset, KY 42502
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Verse of the day:   John 3:16 (KJV)

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.



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